In June, we went to San Francisco for Zach to attend WWDC. It's an apple developer conference, or geek fest. We stayed in a cool hotel room with corner windows and Violet and I played all day and then went to dinner with Daddy at night. It was really fun and while we were there, we got this fun pic of Violet doing her upside-down backbend. This is one weird baby.
When we got home, we went to the PG Pool for the first time. This is the first time Violet wore a swimsuit.
Violet was so much fun on the fourth of July. She HATED the Provo parade. She cried every time noisy stuff went by, which was basically always. She looked really cute though. We put her to bed early, then woke her up for the PG Fireworks. She loved the fireworks and couldn't take her eyes off of them.
After the fourth, we went up to Seattle for my brother Chris' wedding. Violet was the star of the show. There are lots of pics of her, just none on my computer.
Then we were lucky enough to go to cheer camp. It was so hot. Violet learned how to drink water from a sippy cup. I did so much walking and sweating, it was awful. But it was fun to play with the girls and the cheerleaders just love Violet.