Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sleeping Like a Baby

I always say that I have a really weird baby and people want to know why. I usually can't figure out an answer--she is just so quirky. Besides the fact that I think she is the best thing in the whole world, I love love love her little personality. I finally found an example of her weirdness and it comes in her sleeping habits. I guess I have a little fixation for taking pictures of her while she is asleep, because I've found her doing so many cute/weird things while she was sleeping. Check it out.

A little explanation. She is pretty dramatic (Zach thinks I am too) and so when I saw her hand on her forehead while she was sleeping I thought it was a perfect example of how passionate she feels! I found her sucking her thumb while she was sleeping once and she basically never did it again. She snuggled up to Pandy. Once I put clean fresh out of the dryer laundry on her and she fell asleep. She can bend her body in unbelievable ways.


Shay said...

She is precious! She looks so sweet sleeping. I can't wait for Scout to get here so I can be a happy mommy like you. Then I'll be able to blog her instead of my big BELLY!

Pienezza Family said...

Luca loves to suck his thum too...its to damn cute!!!