Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Six Months of Scott

Almost 6 months old

2 Months Old

1 Week Old

Aren't the first six months of life incredible? I can't believe the growth of a newborn into a baby. Scotty will be six months old tomorrow and he hardly resembles the newborn placed into my arms in the hospital.

Scott has been a fairly difficult baby, but we love him and want to keep him. He also has the best smile in the world. He chews on my cheeks and as I write this he is up on all fours trying to figure out how to crawl. He's a strong little thing. I love his little baby muscles. He adores Violet and will pretty much watch her all day. He is messy all the time. He spits and drools all over. I've stopped trying to control it. He has the cutest giggle and as you can tell he loves to chew on his feet.


Jessica said...

Your latest pictures are SO CUTE! I love the one where he is chewing his toes!

Jord&Kira Lynch said...

Kamille I love him he is so dang cute!!! I love that our little guys are the same age. It is going to be so much fun when they are big enfough to hang together. Love ya.