Friday, January 4, 2008

My New Year's Resolutions

I make lists. I make a lot of lists. I had several lists in December, but I had one overarching list that was compromised of all the mini-lists. The last item on the list was to think of new year's resolutions for myself. I did not have a hard time with this because I naturally set goals for myself (hence the lists) and because whenever I looked at my list I saw that item and thought about it for a while. My biggest problem is narrowing my list down, so that I might have at least a tiny measure of success this year. Advice: Don't make too many resolutions each year, just focus on a couple. Here are mine:
Read the Scriptures More.
Go to the Temple More.
Leave the guilt behind and lighten up.

So that's where I was at until the night before my birthday. We were over at my parents' house and we started playing "Rock Band"--this game for the x-box that has two guitarists, a singer, and a drummer (in Guitar Hero style). After about two hours of playing I noticed that I had a smile just plastered on my face. My face hurt because I was smiling so much. Contrary to the url address of my blog, I'm not a particularly smiley person, I'm usually the sourpuss of any group. So . . . my new most important goal for this year is to have FUN! I haven't had FUN in a long time. Don't get me wrong--overall I'm happy and I enjoy my life and I have a lot of personal fulfillment in my relationships, etc. but I don't have any fun, ever. Everyone around me has fun, but I can be in the same room with all the people having fun and be having no fun at all. This is a weird trait of mine. Anyway, for 2008 I want to be slapping my knee, rolling on the ground, laughing and snorting my way into a permanent stomach ache, full of fun.

So I'm on the search for new, fun activities. But if all else fails, I guess I have "Rock Band."

Two more resolutions: Make fewer lists. Get pregnant this year and have another little squishy.


Skipper said...

Cute blog! It's really fun to see how you're doing. And YES, I think Violet is a striking resemblence to Shiloh (plus she has a much better name).

Shay said...

Kamille, an activity very similar to 'Guitar Hero' is DDR (dance dance revolution). I highly recommend this to help you have more fun. Aaron and I discovered it on New Year's with our neighbors. You can see us playing it on our blog.

Jessica G. said...

To start having more fun, you should have parties...lots and lots of parties at your house where you invite your favorite neighbors. ;)

jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

I cant believe how much they really look alike. I thought Shiloh was Violet at first.