Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Choosing a Middle Name

I went to the doctor for my 20 week ultrasound last week and he confirmed it to be a boy! I still can't believe it. Zach's middle name is Scott and I've always liked that name so it was natural for us to choose and agree on it. I feel relieved to have a name chosen so early this time, we finally decided on Violet in the hospital. But I'm struggling choosing a middle name and Zach doesn't seem to have any opinions as of yet. Here is a quick list of names I'm considering.

Nicholas- Violet's middle name is Noelle which was to be my name as I was due on December 18th. If I was a boy, I was going to be Nicholas. I think it would be nice if their middle names were connected. BTW, I was born January 2nd, so my mom didn't think Noelle fit anymore.

Cougar- I like Cougar because it's kind of tough sounding and modern. Cougar would kind of be an homage to Zach's BYU heritage as a super fan and alumnus.

Oliver is just a name I like.

Cooper is Zach's grandmother's maiden name.

Tell me what you think.


hk said...

I have to vote for either Cougar (because it is awesome and it would help justify all of zach's byu shirts) or Cooper (sounds great)!!

Zach said...

My byu shirts don't need any more justification, thank you very much.

jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

My vote is Scott Oliver. I think it sounds adorable. How is your new house?

Andy said...

I vote for Nicolas. I like the tie between Violet's name and the fact that both kids have your would-be name. But what will you do if you have more kids????
Cougar jumps out at me too. Luke's middle name is Bair (Jared's great-great-grandfather's last name).

Jessica said...

Congrats on a boy! How is the new house?

Jessica G. said...

If I like more than one name, can I vote twice? ;)

Scott is the Man's middle name. Since he didn't want a junior, we used his middle name for the Boy's. I like it!

Unknown said...

Have you ever considered "Ryan" for a middle name? Just a thought,

Diane said...

We love Nicholas. Scott Nicholas sounds really nice. Scott Oliver sounds nice also but then his initials would be SOW. But Rachel's initials are RAG. She hasn't told us that she hates that.....yet.

Jord&Kira Lynch said...

Yea Kamille I am so glad we are having little boys together hopefully they will be buddies! Love you and miss you I really want to come see your new house.

Paige said...
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