Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Due Date

Today's OB appointment went really well. Everything looks perfect. Baby Scott is measuring a little big, but hey Zach weighed 10 1/2 pounds at birth so that is to be expected. The doctor scheduled my c-section for March 11th! That sounds like a good birthday. That is 6 days early, so I changed my ticker to the right to show the new due date. I think Scotty might come a little bit earlier than that, what do you guys think? I'm so ready to be done.


Jessica G. said...

WooHooo!! It's great to have that final countdown!

Ashley, Cory and Cash too!!! said...

Yeah for scheduled c-sections!

Shay said...

I think March 4th would be a great birthday but March 11th will be equally as good. Plus we want that bun in the oven as long as possible.