Friday, May 7, 2010

When life gives you lemons . . .

disappointed: depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations.

the lemons trees at our Tuscan Villa

I should be grateful that I didn't anticipate having any problems on our trip to Italy. Before leaving, I was excited and a bit nervous, and I never anticipated I would react to being 6000 miles away from home with such desperate panic. After 3 days of consistent panic attacks with no end in sight and no means of alleviating the pain, we had to come home.

We saw Venice and spent a day in Tuscany and then we boarded the 14 hours of flights home. I feel relief to be home again, with my children. But of course, I feel disappointed.

I'm trying to make lemonade out of this experience and all I can think of are the things I'm grateful for.
My children. They didn't forget us during those 4 days.
My parents. For being the witnesses of my life and for helping me through the past 27 years.
My Husband . . . oh my Husband.
Family, Friends, everyone who loves me and supports me.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for teaching me what I apparently must learn to grow but also providing safe harbor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Millie:)