Friday, September 17, 2010

SCOTT (18 months)

I am completely in LOVE with this little boy. I know my blog is pretty heavy on the Violet pictures, but that's just because it's easier to get her to stop for a minute. Scotty won't stop for a single second ---unless the TV is on, this kid is the best TV watcher ever.

Scotty still doesn't talk and I'm starting to really, really want him to. He says "Uh, Oh" sometimes and he babbles all day long, but no words. He grunts and makes all sorts of monstrous noises though, he definitely has his own soundtrack. The lack of words unfortunately, means he's a bit of a whiner/crier. And "a bit" is an understatement. He has a somewhat difficult temperament, but he also has a beautiful personality.

I love:
*when he laughs, the best sound ever. My favorite is when Violet and I are laughing and he runs up and starts laughing as if he's a part of things!
*when he walks backward and plops himself into my lap (at least ten times a day).
*the way he splashes in the bathtub, I just expect to get soaked now.
*he still gives me big wet kisses.
*how he sometimes spontaneously starts doing somersaults on the floor.
*how he likes to have a binky in his mouth and one in his hand, he spends all day alternating.
*that all of a sudden after 18 months of life, he sometimes insists on being rocked.
*what a good sleeper he is.
*how he follows around Violet all day, and looks for her while she is gone to school.
*how he still lets me squeeze, and tickle, and kiss him all day long.

Oh Scotty-Man, if you only knew how obsessed I am with you! I love you more than I ever imagined and you fit in so well in our family. I can't wait to hear your little voice say "Mama" and I can't wait to have conversations with you about cars and dinosaurs and other silly things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is too cute. Thanks again for letting us borrow the Minnie Mouse costume. It was a success and I will get it back to you soon!!!