Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Summer When Mommy Took Awful Pictures - 2010

I can't believe it's been exactly 3 months since my last post! I am no good at this blogging thing. There is one thing that I am worse at however, and that is being a mommy photographer. I want to record all of the fun things we did this summer here on my blog, but all I have are a few pictures I took on my phone. It's awful.

Some of the fun things we did this summer:
*Long weekend in St. George with the Kane's . . . Zach couldn't come, but Violet still talks about going back to the pool and condo. I even took the kids to Zions.

*Strawberry Days Carnival.

*We had a great Fourth of July weekend.
*Camping Overnight at Blackhawk Campground . . . So fun except Scotty threw up several times in the night, poor guy.
*Lehi Family Fun Day
*Bear Lake with the Wilys . . . Amazing. (We miss the Arnolds!)

*Lots of Barbecues.
*We had an amazing birthday party for Zach (34!) complete with a Mickey Bounce House.
*Thanksgiving Point Petting Zoo

*Seven Peaks
*Feeding the Ducks
*Splash Pad in Highland, definitely Scotty's favorite spot.

*Violet had her first dance class, didn't last long. We'll try again in a few months!

*Violet celebrated being really, truly, potty-trained at Jump On It!

*Scotty no longer has "the puppy."
*Violet learned how to go cross-eyed and now does it regularly. She thinks it's so funny.
*She's still our Mickey Mouse Girl.

There is nothing better in this world than being a mom. I go from overwhelming pride and joy and LOVE to wanting to rip out my own eyeballs in a matter of minutes. It is definitely a unique "job." I've been an awful photographer this summer, but I've been a good mommy and it feels so good to look at my kids and feel that I may be just the least bit responsible for the smile on their faces.

I'm sure other moms feel the same way as I do. So many times in a day, week, or month, I think this is such a special moment that there is no way I could ever possibly forget it . . . and then in a couple of days, weeks, or months, I inevitably do forget all about it. I love being the witness of my children's lives, but I'm already forgetting so much and they're still so young. Anyway, I want to do better at recording these special things. Not so much what we did, but more about what we learned. Thanks for reading this . . .


Unknown said...

I loved your post. That's exactly the way I feel - I think I'll remember all the little sweet things that happen and then I forget. I'm so glad you're in our family - you are a wonderful wife, mom, daughter.
Thanks for the new pictures. So, so cute!

Shay said...

loved this. Sometimes I feel like I "over-blog" which is RIDICULOUS since it is as good as scrapbooking or journaling as I am ever going to do. I love looking back on past posts where Scout was meeting the milestones that Crew is. Now I just need to print it...