Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Husband Could Beat Up Your Husband . . .

I know that my husband is the best husband on Earth and I know it for a fact. Why, you ask? Because he can stand being married to me. I'm tough to live with I know, because I can barely be around myself. This truth is multiplied by 100 too when I'm pregnant and now he's dealt with my pregnancies twice. He is the best.

He is the best partner I could ever ask for.

He loves me so well, nobody could do it better.

He is the best daddy on the planet.

I am so in love with him and it just keeps getting better and better.

There is nobody I'd rather spend my time with and nobody I'd rather share my children with.

I love you Zach.

1 comment:

Shay said...

Isn't it amazing how having children, especially the first couple weeks after their birth, you are so in-tune and grateful. I remember that first couple weeks just looking at Scout or Aaron and crying because I knew I was so blessed.
...however, I was under the impression that my husband was the best husband on earth?!?